Saturday, November 24, 2007

An update . . . Finally!!! (Really)

I have to download more recent pictures but I thought that I would at least post up through Halloween really quickly to start to catch everyone up on what we've been up to since I posted last. I can't believe that it's been about 6 months since I updated this website!! I apologize, but I am very glad to say that I won't have a problem keeping out website current any more as we have finally updated from our OLD and SLOW computer :oD

The three pictures above are from August 6th when we were in Florida for Chris's GM conference and my 10 year high school reunion. We went to New Smyrna Beach and had a great time. David loved playing in the waves and Lauren had a blast playing with/eating the sand.

Here are David and Lauren having more fun in Florida. David LOVED grandma Schel's pool. He'll have even more fun the next time we go because he's been taking swimming lessons and is much more confident in the water now. Lauren loves playing in water, especially taking baths. She had great fun in grandma Jan's bathtub :oD

David started kindergarten this year and just loves it! He is always excited to go to school and is learning so many new things every day. He's working on reading and writing and is finally starting to get the hang of it. He's even started helping to read his bedtime stories at night sometimes. I just can't believe how big he's getting!!

Lauren turned one on September 25!! She is such a cute, funny little girl. She is definately a girly girl, she loves bracelets, purses and shoes! Her first real tantrum was over a pair of black patent-leather maryjanes at Stride Rite! Lauren and David get along pretty well, for the most part, but like any siblings they have their fair share of "arguements" too. Lauren isn't talking much yet, but she does try to mimic sounds quite a bit now and we think she'll be talking soon.

Here are some more pictures from the summer, Lauren posing as a baby gangster; David playing his favorite game ~ Candy Land; Chris and david taking a shoe-tying break from playing basketball on a nice sunny day.

The kids had a great time at the pumpkin patch picking out pumpkins!! Quite a few of the pumpkins were just as big as Lauren and she had a great time exploring. I only got one picture at the pumkin patch in which you could actually see David's face because he was too busy inspecting pumpkins to hold still for a picture!

Here is David in October at his Advanced White Belt test for Karate. (He is an Orange belt as of December, but of course I forgot my camera at that test!) David loves karate, he is starting to pick it up faster and we're hoping it will help him learn to focus a little better with homework :oD

Last (for now) but not least, here are our Halloween pictures!!! David went as a Sheriff and had a great time and got LOTS of candy! It was kind of cold that night, but he wouldnt' wear his coat or mittens because they didn't look like a cowboy would wear them. Lauren went as a bunny and was much more interested in stomping on the dry, crunchy leaves than in walking up to people's doors and getting candy. By the time David was ready to go home, Lauren had been asleep in her stroller for about 30 minutes, such a tired little bunny! It was a fun night for all.
I hope you all enjoy the quick update, I promise I will fill you in from Halloween to now in the next few days!! I am going to try to update once a week so that all of our family and friends in faraway places can stay current on what we are up to. We hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year!!
Chris, Megan, David & Lauren

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Oh goodness, I can't believe that summer is over and fall is here! I am so overdue to update our webpage and I apologize!! We have been keeping quite busy and having a lot of fun. I've changed our main pictures and the background and tomorrow after we get back from the Apple Butter Festival I will let you know what we've been up to the last few months. (Hopefully I'll be able to find my camera tonight so that I can include pictures from the festival too!) I'm sorry again about the lack of updates, and I promise I will try to be better about keeping this website current!!


Saturday, June 30, 2007

An update . . . Finally!!!

Hello everyone!! I hope everybody is having a wonderful and relaxing summer :oD We have been having a lot of fun, but I think we've been busier since school got out than we were during!! David's pre-school graduation was very cute, and David is very happy to be a kindergartener. He will be in the afternoon class this fall from noon to 3:30pm.

David's last day of school was the day that Lauren turned 8 months old and the day that she got her ears pierced :oD I never thought I would be one of those moms who pierced her baby's ears, but it's so darn cute (and by the time she's old enough to want to play with the earrings, they'll be completely healed and won't get infected.) I think the piercing bothered David more than it did Lauren! He squatted down behind the counter so he couldn't watch :oD

We found a great park in Maumee to play at and go hiking (and watch wildlife) and we even took in a Toledo Mud Hens game a few weeks ago. We've been spending as much time outside as we can, running around and letting David get all of his energy out (although I usually end up worn out before David!)

David has started his summer sports. He's playing soccer and tee ball and having a blast!! I love watching all the kids running around, especially during tee ball! They're not usually sure which way to run, David's usually facing the wrong way while waiting to run to the next base, and all of the kids hold on to their batting helmets the whole time they run the bases :oD Chris is going to look for a tee for David to practice on at home, and we're going to sign him up for indoor soccer in the fall.

Lauren is crawling all over the place, getting into everything! She has even started walking the length of the couch, holding on to the cushions. Her favorite games are peek-a-boo, "so big" and "wave and clap". She had her 9 month checkup last Thursday and weighed in at 18 lbs. 11.5 oz and 27 1/4 inches long. (I think David weighed more than that at 6 months!) She's eating finger foods now and loves peas, bananas, green beans and cheerios!! She does pretty well with a sippy cup and will drink water but doesn't like juice, and she won't usually eat baby food any more. She pushes the spoon away and turns her head like she's trying to tell me "no, mom, I am a big girl now. I want food I can chew." Speaking of chewing, she's got 6 teeth now, the bottom front two, top front four, and one more is about to poke through on the bottom :oD

Chris and I are keeping busy running the kids around, working out at the YMCA and planning our August trip to Florida for Chris's GM Conference in Orlando and my Ten Year high school reunion!! (Which explains all the working out at the Y!! :oD) I'm sorry that it took me so long to get this update posted, I promise the next one won't be a month in the making!! We hope that you all have a wonderful 4th of July, my mom and Nana are coming to visit us for the 4th so I know we'll have a great time!! To all our far away friends and family, we miss you and hope to talk to you and see you soon!!

Love and hugs,

Chris, Megan, David & Lauren