Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Here Comes Summer!!

Hello again :oD Hopefully everyone is enjoying the end of spring and looking forward to summer! We had a fun week last week playing with friends and spending time outdoors. Our weekend was pretty busy, Chris had to work but the kids and I went to Marshall to visit with my family. My sister was home for the weekend from Ohio State University to run the Hospitality Classic (which I'll be running next year! :oD) and she brought her boyfriend Alex along too. He's very funny, and I think my dad is already pretty attached to him! It was a nice weekend, and I got to see some people that I haven't seen in way too long! We also got to catch up with Beau, my surrogate little brother, who baby Lauren instantly took a liking to :oD (If anyone is planning on being in the Marshall, Michigan area May 31-July31 you have to go see him at the Cornwell's Theatre in "Nunsense - Amen"!! All the cool kids are doing it!)

We came home Saturday night to spend Sunday with Chris and we had a fun little barbeque for dinner, including smores for dessert. David had great fun making smores! By the time we were done he was covered in chocolate and marshmallow! :oD

Chris bought David a little model car to put together and paint and he had a wonderful time doing that on Sunday as well. I was very impressed with David's patience and focus while he worked on his car. He had so much fun that Chris bought him a few other models to try, they are actually working on a tank right now!

Yesterday David lost his second tooth! He hadn't even mentioned to me or Chris that it was loose, probably because he didn't want to wiggle it :oD Chris and David were having a showdown in the kitchen over a carrot. David has decided that vegetables are not good for kids, so he's trying to boycott them. Chris finally won, David ate the carrot and his tooth came out!

Today was kind of sad, David had his end-of-school party. His preschool graduation is next Thursday (I can't believe the school year is already over! It's gone by so fast!) As of June 1st, David will be a kindergartener! Yesterday I made a cake for David to take to school today, it was a lot of fun :oD I haven't really gotten to bake for fun since Lauren was born, at least not bake and decorate anything. I'd forgotten how much I love to bake. Now I'm planning our 4th of July cake for when my mom and Nana come to visit!

I hope everyone has a wonderful last week of May!! We miss you all and we'll talk to you again soon!!

Love and hugs,
Megan, Chris, David & Lauren

Monday, May 14, 2007

Nothing but blue skies . . .

We are really enjoying the beautiful weather we've been having this week! We've had lots of outside playtime. Chris had Saturday off so we took the kids to a bike trail in Sylvania. David rode his bike, Chris and I walked and Lauren got to ride in the jogging stroller. That evening we went to a BBQ/2 year old's birthday party hosted by some friends of ours.

David is enjoying his last few weeks of school. He is looking forward to summer, but he'll miss seeing all of his friends at school. We are taking a cake next Wednesday for their end-of-school party, David is excited to help decorate it!

Lauren is not feeling too well today, she woke up yesterday with a stuffy nose and a cough :o( I always feel so bad when babies get sick, they can't tell you what they need. She actually has taken naps the last two days, which is out of the ordinary for her, hopefully the extra sleep will speed up her recovery. I just noticed this morning that Lauren has 4 teeth coming through on her upper gums, that may have something to do with her not feeling well. She seems to be taking after David in the teeth department after all. By the time David was 7 1/2 months, he had about 8-10 teeth! Lauren may not be getting hers as quickly as her brother, but she's carrying on the tradition of getting multiple teeth at one time.

David, Lauren and I are going to Marshall, MI this weekend to visit with my dad and watch my sister run the Hospitality Classic (and meet my sister's boyfriend!) Chris has to work Friday and Saturday so he'll have to sit this trip out. David is super excited to see the blue tractor again, oh yeah, and grandma and grandpa too :oD I just love to be out in the country in the peace and quiet!
Well, the kids and I are off to play outside now. David has been wanting to play basketball since he woke up! I hope everyone has a wonderful week!! (OH!! I hope all the moms had a wonderful Mother's Day too!! :oD)
Megan, Chris, David & Lauren

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Hello Again!

Here is the promised (but a bit late!) update. As I mentioned the other day, we are not moving to Cleveland since the position that we were moving for no longer exists. Chris' restaurant is one of the Smokey Bones that does a good amount of business, and therefore was not shut down. Both Chris and I are very grateful right now that the transfer didn't happen earlier like we had initially hoped! If it had, we would be in a new house and jobless! We don't really know what the future holds for us right now, but it seems that we will be here in Perrysburg for at least a bit longer. This week I am scrambling to get David onto local soccer and t-ball teams and in swimming lessons before all the spots are filled.

David lost his first tooth last week and was so excited (once it finally came out!) We had the hardest time getting him to wiggle his loose tooth, but he says that he won't be so squeamish next time :oD

Chris had last Sunday off of work so we decided to take the kids to the Toledo Zoo and enjoy the nice weather. It ended up being a perfect day for the zoo, not too hot but nice and sunny. David loves going and seeing all of the animals, although for some reason his favorites seem to be the squirrels and ducks :oD Lauren thoroughly enjoyed her first trip to the zoo, at least enjoyed what she could see from her stroller with the visor up to keep the sun out of her eyes :oD We had a very nice afternoon and got some good pictures too.

Lauren is getting bigger and bigger. I really can't believe that she's already seven months old! A few days ago she started pushing up to her hands and knees, and today she started rocking back and forth. She hasn't figured out how to push up to sitting yet but I'm sure that will come soon. I am both excited about and dreading when she figures out how to crawl. It will be so fun to watch her explore, but I've got to run around and babyproof everything! I hadn't done it at all because we weren't expecting to be here still! I guess I know what my project is for the weekend :oD

Besides trying to figure out what was going on with Chris' job and trying to get out of our house contract (which we were able to do, thank goodness) we really haven't been up to much. David has had a few play dates and we've just been enjoying the outdoors. Lauren can't really play like the big kids, but she enjoys watching everyone and chewing on her toys :oD She especially likes to sit and stare at the clouds and trees. I hope that you are all enjoying your spring weather (for those of you in Florida, I hope you get some rain soon to put out all the forest fires! I don't miss that at all!) We miss you all!!

Chris, Megan, David and Lauren

Sunday, May 6, 2007

Not To Worry!!

Hello all, I just wanted to post this really quickly before dinner. I'm sure you've seen stories on the news today or in the papers concerning Smokey Bones, and heard that all of it's restaurants are closing. That is not true. Fifty six Smokey's were closed yesterday morning, but they were all low performing restaurants. Chris' restaurant is a high performing restaurant and is still open. Chris still has a job :o) I have to run, but I just wanted to keep anyone from worrying!! Sorry I didn't get to update the page this week, Lauren wasn't feeling well and we've been super busy around here. I'll be on-line tomorrow to post some more and share some new pictures of our trip to the zoo today!! Talk to you soon!
