Friday, March 28, 2008

Aaaaaannnnnnnnnd we're back! (With LOTS of pictures!!)

Hello all!! I'm sorry it has been so long since I posted anything. These last couple of weeks have just kind of gotten away from me! Here is an update.Spring
Well, the sun is shining, the birds are chirping and the flowers are bloom . . . ha, ha! Actually, this is actually what our last few weeks have looked like!!

David was on spring break this past week and my poor munchkin was actually sick for the first few days of it! He missed the last day of school before spring break (Thursday the 20th) because he was asleep ALL day and running a fever. He didn't even get to go to an Easter egg coloring party on the 21st because he slept all that day too. None of us got much sleep that weekend, David woke up about 10 times each night because his throat hurt and his legs hurt (growing pains). We've all been taking turns being sick lately (today Lauren and I are taking our turn) but hopefully the weather will warm up enough so that we can open all the windows soon and air out all the winter germs!!
The kids have been keeping busy and playing hard, although I can't wait until we can play outside again! We're all getting a bit bored with inside games.

Lauren's newest word is "tu-tu". She loves to dance around, snuggle with her blankets and vacuum.

David is such a good big brother and plays with his sister sooo well (most of the time)! They've been making up all sorts of games that I can't figure out the rules to, but which they seem to enjoy immensely. I know David can't wait until the ground is dry enough to play on the playground again!

Lauren has been practicing feeding herself with a spoon and fork.

Well, more like holding a spoon or fork while she eats with her fingers.

It's a work in progress . . .

Well, at least the spoon is finally in her mouth.

David, on the other hand, has mastered feeding himself :oD (Good thing, since he's 6!)
He loves cinnamon, with a little applesauce mixed in.
Lauren's new favorite activity is putting puzzles together.
She's still better at taking them apart than putting them together, but she has fun and she'll eventually get the hang of it.
We had a good Easter. We actually ended up going to church on Easter Saturday because they were expecting to be so crowded on Sunday (and we like to sleep in on Sundays sometimes, too!) The kids looked so cute! David loves his new shoes (and was excited that he finally got to wear them.) Lauren was very excited about her dress and shoes. It was so cold out that I had to put long sleeves under her dress and she had to wear tights!
"Easter mommy" in my non-easter outfit. (The outfit I was going to wear was all pretty and Easter-y but I decided that the cute spring sandals might not be the best idea in the snow, and pants definitely sounded warmer to me than a skirt!)
Our "white Easter".
David loves hunting for Easter eggs first thing in the morning. (Chocolate ~ the breakfast of champions!!)
It didn't take Lauren long to get into the egg hunting, especially once she figured out how to open the eggs! She was a big chocolate mess by the time she was done!!
I think all the sugar finally caught up with her :oD
After we took off the chocolate clothes, Lauren played with her Easter goodies.
Wag the dog.
David, still grinning with the memory of all that chocolate!
Our cute little Easter kids!
On Tuesday the 25th I took Lauren for her 18 month checkup. Our little peanut is 24lbs. 3oz. and 31" tall. She was very good during her checkup (although she did pee all over the scale!) She had to get a few shots, which she was NOT happy about. She liked the band-aids, though. The doctor said that she's ahead of the average development wise. We have to go back in three weeks and get her ears looked at because there was fluid in both of them. The doctor said they didn't look infected and that she just wants to make sure the fluid goes away so it doesn't affect her hearing because that would affect her speech. I'm afraid she might be getting an ear infection now, though. Lauren spent most of today crying and laying in my lap. (And Lauren never sits still unless she's almost or already asleep.) If she's not feeling better by Monday I'll have to take her into her pediatrician's office.
Well, I'm off to bed (finally!!!) I'm hoping that all of us are healthy by Monday, we're all tired of being sick! I'll have new pictures to post soon, and I won't take so long between posts. I hope you all had a wonderful Easter!!! We'll talk to you soon.
Chris, Megan, David & Lauren

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Our fun weekend

Yay!! Chris and I had so much fun on Saturday!! We went on a real-live grown-up date!
Chris got me tickets to The Lion King for Christmas and we went on Saturday. Deb came down to watch the kids for the day while we had a fun grown-up day. We went to the 2:00 matinee and the show was amazing! If you have a chance to see it, I highly recommend it. After the show we weren't ready for dinner yet so we went to one of the local malls to wander for a bit until we got hungry. We went to one of my favorite places for dinner, Biaggi's. We had yummy calamari for an appetizer, then I had roast duck (which I'd never had before, but is now one of my favorite things on their menu) and Chris had chicken parmesan. Very yummy! We even had creme brulee for dessert ~ my favorite!! After dinner we decided to stretch out our date a little more and headed over to the movie theatre to see Fools' Gold. It was really cute and funny. Definitely one that I'll be buying when it comes out on video. We had such a fun time and decided that we really need to try to make time for more dates! We're going to see the opening night of Evita in April (or May, I can't remember). I can't wait!
This morning while we were all getting ready to go to IHOP (David's favorite) for brunch, Lauren had fun stealing mommy's purse. Over and over again.

Lauren and grandma Deb played with my phone while we waited for our food.
We all had a great breakfast. David had his favorite ~ chocolate chip pancakes and chocolate milk. Lauren had what is becoming her usual, a bowl of fruit. We are having the hardest time getting her to eat anything but apples, bananas, grapes, green beans and broccoli! Every once and a while I can get her to eat an egg, but not today. Maybe tomorrow . . .
Well, it's way past my bedtime so I'm off to bed. The "spring forward" thing always throws me off for a few days. I'm going to be tired tomorrow!! I hope you all have a great week!
Chris, Megan, David & Lauren