Monday, April 21, 2008

The Zoo

It was supposed to rain on Sunday, but luckily the weather held out and we had a nice time at the zoo. As you can see, Lauren was so excited about getting to the zoo that she had trouble sitting still :oD Our first stop was one of Chris' favorites, the rescued Bald Eagles.

Our next stop was the "Arctic Encounter". David loved watching the sea lions and the polar bears (which he kept calling panda bears).

Lauren finally woke up in time for a picnic lunch.

After lunch we hit the petting zoo. There weren't a lot of animals out yet, we'll have to go back in a few weeks when it is warmer. Lauren couldn't figure out why David was one of the exhibits.

Lauren had a little chat with the chickens, then she and David went to look at the wallabies with a little help from daddy.

We headed over to the rhinos next. There was a zoo volunteer there who had a lot of interesting information about the zoo's rhinos.

After the rhinos we headed over to visit Baby Louie the elephant. He was having a lot of fun playing with a giant tire when we got there. The kids thought it was very funny to see him play.

For some reason everyone is always more interested in the ducks and squirrels (which we can see in our back yard!) than they are in the exotic animals.

We did get a treat, the snow leopard was out and about enjoying the cool weather. Usually when we go in the summer, he is hiding in a den somewhere out of the heat.

And then David found more ducks to play with.

Our last stop of the day was the aquarium. David was excited that we found Dory living at the Toledo Zoo. He also loves all of the funny looking fish they have.

On our way out we stopped at the arctic animal fountain to throw in some coins. Lauren kept a close watch to make sure that David didn't get more pennies than her.

We made a few attempts at a nice family photograph, but that hardly ever turns out the way we'd like. Oh, well. There's always next time :oD

Our day at the zoo ended up being fun, and the rain didn't start until after we left, and even then it was really just sprinkling. I'm sure we'll be back soon. I hope everyone has a wonderful week!!

The Suttons

Thursday, April 17, 2008

lots of pictures :oD

Well, I found these pictures that I forgot to post the other day. I made a Red Velvet cake for dessert, a family favorite, but Lauren is apparently my little "health nut! She wanted nothing to do with the cake, she wouldn't even try the frosting!

She wanted a banana instead! That's my silly little healthy girl. (P.S. This morning for breakfast she didn't want cereal or oatmeal, or any other normal breakfast thing. She had rice and a banana! Silly girl.)
Chris had Thursday off work so we got to run some errands and have a family day. The weather was beautiful!! We got up and ate breakfast and did the dishes, then we played for a while until we had to drop David off at school. Lauren loves wearing warm-weather clothes!
After we dropped David off at school we went to Babies'R'Us to get her a little umbrella stroller so we wouldn't have to always lug the big stroller around. (Chris was very excited that I found a pink one, ok, maybe I was very excited that I found a pink one. Lauren likes it too!) Then we headed to the mall to get some new work shirts for Chris. We also stopped at a seafood store that we'd heard about, but didn't find anything that looked very good for dinner. (We definitely don't eat as much seafood up north, it is kind of hard to come by.) By the time we were done with all of that, it was time to get David from school and head to a local grocery store to get some salmon and steak to grill for dinner. Lauren loves to be a helper. David doesn't love to have his picture taken!
Once we got upstairs and got everything put away, we decided that we were all pretty hungry! Chris and Lauren headed out to the porch to get the grill fired up, and take a few calls while David took a bath.
We all wanted to take advantage of the nice weather so the kids and I kept Chris company while he made dinner.
The kids had fun watching the ducks and goldfish in the pond out back. Chris got to sit down and relax and enjoy having a day at home.

On Saturday morning David had his second soccer game at 10:00. It was supposed to rain, but held out until after the game. It was a little cooler out, but great weather for David to play soccer without being too cold or too hot. Lauren helped get our chairs set up and then got ready to cheer her big brother on!
David had a great time, and is getting much better about going after the ball.
Lauren kept pretty busy (and kept me busy chasing after her!) She had fun kicking David's soccer ball around and climbing in and out of the chairs.
When not on the field, all the boys payed close attention to the match. (In between seeing how many boys could fit in one chair!)

By the end of the match Lauren was pretty tired and ready for her nap!

After each match, all the boys get a snack and a drink. David had a bit of trouble sitting his chair to eat his! He must have been worn out from all that running!

We're going to attempt the zoo on Sunday since Chris has the day off. It is supposed to rain, but hopefully the weather man is wrong. If we go I'll be sure to post more pictures on Monday! I've got to run, I hope everyone has a great rest-of-the-weekend!!