Friday, May 30, 2008

A fun end to our week. (And many new pictures!)

Well, we've had an exiting week this week! Chris had Tuesday and Wednesday off, so we decided to head over to some bike paths up in Sylvania before David had to go to school on Wednesday to get out with the kids. It was such a pretty day!

I got a pretty good workout because whenever I would stop to take a picture of something pretty, Chris, David & Lauren would keep going and then I'd have to sprint to catch up with them. I found a lot of pretty things to take pictures of. (My legs were sore on Thursday!)

It was so great to be outside, the kids really enjoyed getting the fresh air and being somewhere besides outside of our apartment or at the park across the street. Chris and I decided that it's time to move the seat up on David's bike because it's a little bit short where it is set right now.

Chris and Lauren raced for a while, I'm not sure who ended up winning but Lauren sure enjoyed herself!

David found a little box turtle on the path so we stopped to say hello. (David was really into petting the turtle, can't you tell?!)

Lauren wasn't a fan of mr. turtle and did not want to take a picture with him, but I never miss a chance to actually be in a picture instead of always being the one taking them :oD After our "kodak moment" we set mr. turtle in the grass so he could go on his merry way.
Then it was time to hit the pavement again.

The trail in Sylvania is really pretty and there are so many things to look at and the scenery varies from one section to the next. We'll have to start looking for more fun places to go soon (to mix it up) but we really enjoyed ourselves.

When it was almost time to take David to school, we turned around and headed back. Chris walked with Lauren for a while so she could stretch her legs and get a better look at all the plants and animals we came into contact with.
I'm sure we must have done something while David was at school, but I don't quite remember (mommy-brain!) I think we dropped books off at the library and ran a few errands. After school we all headed out to play a little basketball. David is getting really good and almost always makes his shots. Lauren likes to rest on the ball when she's tired. We played outside for a while, and then I realized that I had to go in and get ready to go to small group and I was running late! I took a key-lime pie that I'd made earlier that day and it was super yummy!!
Thursday was exciting for us, we closed on our house!!! I dropped David off at school that afternoon then swung by Smokey Bones to pick Chris up and then we (with Lauren in tow :oD) went to the mortgage office to sign all the paperwork! I wish we could have gotten possession at closing, I don't like the waiting until June 7th before we can make ourselves at home there!
On Friday David had the Kindergarten end-of-school picnic. All of the afternoon classes were brought outside together to have a picnic lunch and then there were lots of activities planned for all the kids. Lauren thought it was great fun to be around all the big kids and couldn't wait to join in on all the playing! Bubbles were up first and it was great fun watching the kids run wild chasing bubbles. Lauren loves bubbles and was so excited when we walked up to see that the air was full of them!

Next the kids all took cute little pictures and, of course, Lauren jumped right in line to have hers taken too.
Next were the hula hoops. David is pretty good with a hula hoop which surprised me because we don't have one and I don't think he's even played with one in 2 1/2 years. Lauren still needs quite a bit of practice :oD

While the kids played a water relay game (which Lauren didn't find very interesting) Lauren covered herself, head to toe, in sidewalk chalk. I think she managed to color on the sidewalk too. Just a little.

Next up was treat time. There was a big table filled with brownies, different kinds of cookies, I think there were some chocolate dipped pretzels too. Each kindergartner got to pick out two things for their treat. David picked the biggest brownie and cookie he could find (shocker) and after all the big kids were done David's teacher brought Lauren a cookie. Lauren, being somewhat silly sometimes, decided that she did not like cookies anymore and opted for chicken nuggets instead.
After their snack, Mrs. Young called all the kids back out to the grass for a partner race.
The kids all had a great time playing with the giant parachute, Lauren wanted to play too, but every time she started to join in she would get shy at the last minute and run back to sit in my lap.

By the time the big kids had to go back to their classes, Lauren was ready to go too. Too much fun, too much running around and playing and not enough nap!
This morning David had his last soccer game of the season (and I, of course, forgot my camera!) The boys all had fun playing and luckily the weatherman was wrong and it did not rain today. After soccer we headed home so Chris could get ready and head into work. While Lauren took a nap I got a chance to finish up a movie on King Henry VIII that I'd been trying to finish for the past week. David played outside all day with friends and had a great time. I finally made him come in at about 7pm and he was the dirtiest little boy I'd ever seen! I think he was rolling in the sand volleyball court, most of the court was stuck in his hair. I put him straight in the tub (where he is now) and the bottom looks covered in sand! I guess I'll be scrubbing out the tub tonight! I've got to run and get Lauren ready for bed, but I'll write again soon! I hope everyone had a great week and has a great weekend!
Chris, Megan, David & Lauren

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Hello all! I hope everyone had a wonderful Memorial Day weekend! We stayed pretty busy around here. David had a few days of wonderful weather to run around in, and he played for hours outside. We practically had to force him to stop playing long enough to eat something! Yesterday it was hard to tell where the dirt stopped and David began, but at least he had fun. Chris and the kids and I went to quite a few places looking at lawnmowers and washers & dryers. I think we've got it narrowed down to Lowe's or Sears. We just have to decide and then get there before the Memorial Day sales are over on Wednesday. I am taking an application to the YMCA today to see if they need any part time desk help. (They usually do one or two 4-hour shifts per week, and the kids could stay in the kidzone while I was working.) It would be great fun if I had a little extra money for paint and decorating! I've got to run, time for lunch. I'll post again soon!!


Friday, May 23, 2008

The House!

We had our home inspection yesterday morning and it went well. There were no major repairs that needed to be made, just a few small things and most of them are easy fixes. (The sellers are buying us a home warranty too, so if anything does go wrong in the next year it won't be so bad.)

This is the front room to the right of the entryway. It could be a dining room, but I think we'll put our big oversized chair and ottman in there with the books for right now.

This is our new kitchen! We will finally have room for all the kichen "stuff"! The cabinets have pull-out shelves, which I love! There is even a little built-in desk for the phone and bill paying. (And I'll be able to fit my cookbooks in the cabinet above it.)

Here is our dining area, we eventually want to put french doors going out to the deck. We love the living room and aren't even going to paint it.

We've got a main floor laundry room and we get to go pick out our washer and dryer this weekend (while all the Memorial Day sales are going on!) because the sellers are taking their washer and dryer with them. Here is the downstairs half-bath. (I like the picture on the wall, I think I'm going to try to find it at Bed, Bath & Beyond :oD.)

Here are the stairs and the master bedroom. There is another window that is not in the picture, and a pretty good size closet as well.

Here is part of the master bathroom. We eventually want to put in double sinks. There is a toilet (in it's own little room, which Chris thinks is funny.) David likes the big tub, but I told him that he has his own tub in his bathroom! We've also got a linen closet and a stand up shower.

This will be David's room. He still has to figure out what color he wants to paint it. He is also excited that he'll have a space for a desk to work on his homework.

Here is the kids' bathroom and Lauren's room. I kind of like the stripes, I think we'll leave them for a while.
This is the 4th bedroom. David wanted it as his room, but since there's no closet we told him he got the room with the little spot for a desk. (Plus, now it will be the spare room/Megan craft and sewing room!)

Here is the view from our little balcony down into the living room.

Here is the house from the back, the yard from the porch, and the house/yard from the back fence. David and Lauren definitely have enough room to run around now! There are also lots of kids in the neighborhood for them to play with.

And . . . here is the main reason why I like the people we're buying the house from (and the reason Chris almost didn't want the house.) The husband has his bachelors and masters degrees from Ohio State! (I think the wife went there as well.) I wish they would leave all the stuff in the basement, but I don't think they are planning on it. Now I just have to make sure that Chris doesn't decorate in yellow and blue!!!

While we were getting ready to leave, David stayed in the back yard running around as long as he could and Lauren stayed in the living room playing with her belly button (which, apparently, was thirsty).

I took a "video tour" on our camcorder and one of my projects for tonight is to figure out how to download it to my computer. (I have to find a missing driver and download it.) As soon as I get that done, I'll post it. I've got to run and start packing! We are moving on June 9th & 10th (anyone who will be in the neighborhood and would like to help is more than welcome :oD We will be bribing with pizza and drinks!!) We'll talk to you soon!
Chris, Megan, David & Lauren