Friday, December 25, 2009


Hello all, I'm actually updating our site again!!! We had a nice Christmas morning here with the kids and Dad, Deb and my sister Lauren got here around 4:30 and we're just waiting for dinner to finish cooking. Dad brought David a camera/camcorder so I thought I'd download some of David's Christmas pictures. I hope you are all having a wonderful Christmas as well, enjoy!

Monday, December 21, 2009

Where did the year go?!

We want to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and tell you that as soon as all the Christmas crazyness is over I will be updating our blog (and hopefully keeping it updated!!!) I apologize for the 2 season delay, and I'll get you all caught up with pictures and posts ASAP :oD Happy Holidays and love to you all!!!

Chris, Megan, David & Lauren

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Spring is here!!
An update is coming soon . . .!!!

Saturday, January 17, 2009

busy week

Hello all :oD I am afraid that I don't have pictures today, I haven't taken them off of my camera yet. Soon, I promise! We stayed busy (and cold!) this week. David had a good week at school, Lauren had fun being two, I picked up an extra shift at work, Chris painted our new bedroom door and is almost finished with our entryway. Today is kind of a restful day (although I should be cleaning now while Lauren is still asleep!) Chris leaves for New York on Tuesday for his GM Conference, he gets to go tubing! I'm jealous! Hopefully we can get to work on David's room by next weekend. We bought his paint and I'm going to start on his bedspread this week. I'm excited, maybe more excited than David is :oD I love having projects to work on where I can have fun and be creative! I've got to run and do some laundry, but I'll post again soon!!

Saturday, January 10, 2009


Here are the last few pictures from 2008, and then it's on to 2009! We decided that if David was going to play Guitar Hero on our new Wii, then he needed to look the part! I found some hair wax at the store and the day after Christmas we sent him upstairs to get ready to be a rock star!

Ha, ha! He caught me taking pictures :oD (Like I miss pictures of David with a mohawk!) He actually pulled off the look quite well, I thought.

We finally picked out a color that we all liked for the hallway and Chris started painting on the 2nd! I LOVE it!

The corners still need to be done, and the walls need a second coat, but the hallway already looks so much more cheerful! The blue even makes me not mind so much that all the wood trim was painted white by the previous owners!

Chris and I pooled our Christmas money, and added a little more to that, and finally replaced our (very) old television. Chris loves that he can now read the score on any sport that he watches. I love that the top 1/5 of the picture is not upside-down anymore. David loves playing games on the bigger screen, and Lauren loves that Dora is giant! Now we've just got to hide all those cords . . .

Lauren is getting to be such a big girl! She's even stopped trying to feed Miley her food at snack time. Miley is not so excited about that.

Lauren started soccer on the 5th and loves it! She doesn't quite have the "no hands" thing down yet, but she is definitely into all the running. She seem to like picking the ball up and throwing it, maybe she'll be a goalie :oD

This year Lauren actually loves to play in the snow! Last night she helped daddy shovel the driveway. She's still a little confused as to which outdoor activities are winter and which ones are better suited to summer, but it was okay because Chris was there to lend a hand when the wheels got stuck.

Silly Lauren!

I just came across these pictures from a few nights ago and they were so funny that I had to include them :oD Chris grilled some chicken for dinner and I decided to make some curry couscous because it sounded good and I thought I'd introduce the fam to something yummy and different.

Lauren was not too sure about it at first!

One we got her to try a bite, she loved it! (David and Chris are still not convinced that it's something we should eat ever again. Oh, well. Back to the cutting board.)

Since Lauren was crossing her eyes while watching her spoon travel to her mouth, which we all found amusing, we decided to try and teach her to cross her eyes on purpose.

Stare at your finger, Lauren :oD

Well, it started snowing yesterday afternoon and it hasn't really stopped yet! Lauren has already been out in the snow today with David, and David is still out there! I'm off to put Lauren down for her nap, but after she wakes up I'm going to go out and play too! I probably won't get a lot of pictures, due to my fingers being cold and wet and all, but I'll try to post some tomorrow! Have great afternoon!!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Isn't it time to hibernate?

Today, I am pretty sure, the "pod-people" replaced my children with "pod-children". The day actually went really well until about noon, and from there on it was all down-hill! Lauren would NOT say in bed at nap time, she finally fell asleep on the floor in her doorway about 10 minutes before we had to leave to pick David up from school. David horsed around so long after school that the crossing guards were gone when he walked out to the car and the gym teacher had to walk him across the street. When we got home David was grumpy and picked fights with me, Lauren and the dog! Swimming went well until it was time to get dressed, then David took a 30 minute shower in the boys locker room (where I could not go in to get him!) By the time we got home I was ready to feed the kids and get them straight in bed! Lauren kept getting out of bed (again!) and when Chris got home at around 11pm she was asleep on the floor, up against her door (which was closed) and her light was on. Chris had to wake Lauren up enough to try to get her to move so he could open the door, but ended up having to push it open a bit and pull her away from the door (crying the whole time) so that he could open it. Once the door was open, Lauren started yelling "mommy do it!!!!" and then turned and ran face-first into her bedroom wall! Next time she should keep her eyes open when she throws a tantrum! Chris was able to get her back to sleep, but not before she woke David up! Goodness. It's good that our evenings are not always this eventful (or noisy!)

It's been a while since I posted last, so I thought I would get you all caught up before I download the pics that are on my camera now and have more to share! I'll do that on Thursday, hopefully.

The last week of school before Christmas break, David had his Winter Concert at school and his last basketball game at the YMCA. The concert was cute and the kids sang nicely. I did think it was a little amusing that the music teacher gave himself a nice, long saxophone solo in the middle of each of the kids' songs. Live the Dream :oD The last basketball game was cute and the kids are always excited to get their medals for participation. There is not a basketball league again this session, but David is taking a basketball skills class starting on Friday. I know he'll have a great time (and we won't have to be at the Y for games every Saturday morning!)

Lauren decided to be "helper" during the last game and clean the court with a baby wipe. Now if I could just get her to do the kitchen floor . . .

We had quite an ice storm a few days before Christmas and the kids were excited to go out and play in our "arctic" weather. Lauren really wanted to play outside with David!

David helped daddy shovel the drive and clear off the car while Lauren supervised.

After coming in and warming up both kids wanted to head out and take advantage of the last bit of sunlight to play some more.

I love the way everything looks after an ice storm! The trees and fences are all so pretty!

This year I was not my normal "anal" self about taking pictures at Christmas and I'm still deciding if that's good or bad. It was nice to just play with the kids and be excited with them as they opened presents and played with toys, but I really like to look at the pictures later! I did get one of Chris trying to convince Miley to play with her giant dog bone.

Lauren's "big" present this year was a "big-girl bed" that she calls her Tinkerbed! She is very excited to be done with her crib! Probably because she can stall better at bedtime when she is able to walk around her room turning lights on and off!

My mom got us a Wii for Christmas and David was beside himself! Chris and I got him Guitar Hero to go with it and he is now our little budding rock star! I have pictures of him with a Mohawk somewhere, I'll have to find them and post them :oD I didn't get too many pictures of David because he's getting harder to bribe to hold still and smile! Lauren is still pretty easy, I just have to show her the picture after I take it and then she wants me to take a bunch more!

This was the year of all things girly for Lauren :oD Santa brought her cute My Little Pony ponies and play sets (I love that the toys from when I was little are coming back!) and she also received a Disney princess dress up outfit and tons of princess shoes! (And, no, she didn't have to pee in that second shot, she just didn't want to be a princess anymore. Princesses are not used to having to dress and undress themselves. Now where is a good maid-in-waiting when you need one?!)

Miley is still not the biggest fan of her giant dog bone, but she loves the mini-tire that Chris found for her! She played with it for hours (and so far it has proved indestructible!) After she got bored of chewing on the tire, she decided to chew on Chris for a while :oD

We have lots of fun stuff coming up and I'll be posting again soon! The Winter I session at the Y started Monday the 5th. Lauren is taking soccer and swimming and David is doing basketball and swimming. Chris has started more little (and big) projects around the house. I have more than enough projects to keep me busy for quite a while! It is now way past my bedtime (I always seem to start my posts at a reasonable hour, for some reason I get distracted and always seem to be finishing them after midnight! It really would be nice if I didn't have to get up until around 9:30 tomorrow!) I hope that you are all doing well, Mike and Tammy we're glad that you made it back to Florida safely and good luck with the house hunt! Lauren, let me know when UT calls to tell you that Toledo is just not complete without you! I AM getting my Christmas thank-yous in the mail by this weekend, I had hoped to get them out already, but once again, I got distracted!
I really am off to bed now, but I'll post again soon.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Happy (belated) New Year!!

So here it is, Sunday night about 20 minutes past when I would have liked to go to sleep and I'm sitting in my living room wondering why I am still awake. I have pictures to post and adventures to share, but not tonight. Tonight I am going to sleep so I can get up early, get David ready for his first day back to school, and then walk David and the dog to school (and walk the dog back of course. Did I mention that it's probably going to be really cold?). Then there is Lauren's first day of soccer (I will take pictures!) and work for me. I still have to take our trees down. Chris started painting our entryway today and I love it so much! I might sit on the stairs for a while tomorrow just to enjoy it! I'll post pictures soon. I really am going to bed now, but I hope that all of our friends and loved ones know how much we love them and miss them!

Sweet Dreams!