Monday, October 27, 2008

Update . . . take two!

Wow :oD This one has a lot of pictures! (But then again, there was a lot going on and I haven't posted in a while!)

We'll start with Lauren's 2nd birthday party. It was on September 27th and we had a great time! All the Fletchers came and it was so nice to see everyone! Chris' mom Mischel came to visit as well and we had such a great week with her! My friend Stefanie and her family came as well. Our kids always have so much fun playing together. Stephanie decorated Lauren's cake and it looked so amazing! Thanks Stef!

On September 28th I ran in the Susan G. Komen "Race for the Cure" in Toledo. I had a great time and finished in under 30 minutes so I was happy with that. I am definitely running it again next year!

I don't remember when this was, just a dinner out at Chili's one night but the kids were so cute I had to share the pictures.
We had some beautiful fall weather and took advantage of it while it lasted!

Lauren is my little yoga buddy. Every chance she gets, she gets into my pilates and yoga stuff so that she can exercise like mommy.

We had a great time at the pumkin patch patch. It always takes us a while because the kids and I are so indecisive. Poor Chris has to stand around and wait for us to try to make up our minds!

David was very excited to help Chris with the leaves in our yard! Lauren was not quite sure what to think at first, but she wants to do anything that David does so she helped out too. They had a ball playing in the leaf pile once it was all mounded up! I don't think Chris minded having to rake it up several times :oD

Both kids are still in swimming lessons and they both love being in the pool! Lauren gets so excited when she realizes that it's swimming day! All day long on Tuesdays she talks about her favorite pool games. (She also walks around saying "no poopie pool! Poopie pottie, right mommy?" We haven't gotten too far with the potty training yet, but at least she understands the pool is not a place to go potty!)

David is getting better in the water and is also becoming more comfortable being underwater too. He's still working on his strokes and trying to figure out how to float on his back. The poor child got my (lack of) coordination AND my inability to float on my back! (I sink!)

In October (I think the 26th?) I ran the Red Ribbon Run that was sponsored by the YMCA. They had two different events, a 5k that I ran at 9am (sans costume) and a 1 mile family fun run that we all ran. It was a blast, David is going to be my new running buddy :oD

After the Red Ribbon Run we went home to carve/play with our pumpkins! Chris tried to convince David that pumkin was good to eat raw, David didn't really buy it.

Lauren didn't really want to play in the mushy inside of the pumkin at first, but once she saw how much fun David was having, she couldn't wait to join in!

Silly kids :oD

Once we finished the pumpkins, it was time for dinner, baths, storytime and bed.
We had great fun on Halloween. Lauren was very excited to be "Abby Caddabby", she is Elmo's friend from Sesame Street. David was a skeleton, and very camera shy! We were lucky to get the one or two pictures of him! Chris went as Clark Kent/Superman and Wonder Woman made another appearance.

I celebrated my 30th birthday on November 6th and Chris surprised me the weekend before by renting a really fun car and whisking me away to the MGM Grand in Detroit! It was the most fun birthday!!! I actually had a reason to play "dress up" and wear fun, pretty clothes and we got to hang out with each other, just the two of us, for the weekend! We had a great dinner at Wolfgang Puck's restaurant, walked around and browsed the shops in the casino and check out the different lounges and clubs to relax. Our room was amazing, I now know how I want to do our bedroom/bathroom at home when we redecorate! The view was so pretty, we could see the lake and the skyline. Sadly, we had to get home on Sunday, but I definitely want to go back!

David turned 7 on November 4th (my mom's birthday too!) and we had his party the following weekend. He wanted a Star Wars themed party and I decided to take a crack at decorating the cake myself. I decorated it the day before the party. I think it turned out pretty well, but I've still got quite a bit to learn :oD David loved the cake so I'm pretty proud of myself.

The morning of David's party he had a basketball game at the YMCA, he loves basketball! The season for him is over soon, but I think I'm going to enroll him in our basketball skills class because he is really good and he wants to keep playing.
The party was great fun, and very loud! Eight 7yr. olds can make a lot of noise! My mom was here to celebrate with David, and Dad, Deb and Lauren were able to come too. We had a full house, but it was so much fun!

Poor Lauren did have a few not-so-fun moments (like getting her hair stuck on daddy's button) but cake makes everything better!
It was so good to have friends and family here! I love having a full house :oD
Strike a pose, Stef!
After pizza and cake and ice cream, it was time to open presents. David loved everything he received and it was so cute watching each little boy get all excited as David prepared to open his gift.

On the 15th we had our first snow! David couldn't wait to get outside! Miley was so funny to watch, she loves snow and kept jumping up and trying to bite it! We didn't have much accumulation and it didn't stay long, but it was fun while it lasted!
We happened to be dog-sitting my friend Stefanie's dog Riley that week and she and Miley had so much fun playing outside together! Lauren didn't get to go outside that day, now we're just waiting for more snow for her to play in!
I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving! I apologize for the delay in getting this posted, From September on, it is pretty crazy around here with so many birthdays so close to the holidays! Now that we're past birthday parties and I've got a week or so to breathe before the Christmas crazyness begins, I hope to post more pictures and get you all updated on the rest of our November!
Chris, Megan, David, Lauren & Miley