Thursday, September 2, 2010

Iiiiiiiiiiiiit's Friday!!!

Good afternoon all =) We've had a busy week and I'm still trying to fine-tune my schedule! Wednesday I was so excited to get pictures of David's first soccer practice and then I realized that I teach swim lessons on Wednesday evenings during his practice time! I'll have to work on that one. Both David and Lauren have games on Saturday morning, I'll be sure to get pictures!

Lauren started "big girl" gymnastics Wednesday morning and had a blast! She almost didn't let me get pictures of her because she didn't want me to come downstairs. On the way to gymnastics she kept telling me "mom, when we get to gymnastics you go upstairs right away to watch me and I'll give them my card to check in and go wait in line." When I followed her to get a few pictures she tried to push me up the stairs!

This is after class, the coaches give the kids stamps after class and Lauren was super excited about hers. Lauren stole my camera and took a BUNCH of pictures, since she's short we got quite a few butt-shots! Here is her picture of mommy =)

I got a couple of videos of Lauren's first class.
I am very excited about this weekend, my dad's side of the family has a family reunion every year the day before Labor Day on Lake Erie! Lauren is already talking about playing with all her cousins! David wants to go swimming, hopefully it's not chilly that day! I will be sure to get pictures Sunday to post.
I've got to run, big grocery trip today!!! I'll post again soon!!!
Love and hugs!!!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Good morning Wednesday

Good morning all!!! Lauren had her first official soccer practice last night and her first game is on Saturday morning. I am now a soccer mom x 2!!David starts soccer tonight so I'll have pics and stuff from that for tomorrow's post.

I thought I'd post two videos from practice last night, one is Lauren working on kicking into the goal (she's still working on that "no hands" thing!) and the other was going to be a video of my friend's daughter Lucy making a goal, but David had an admirerer who wouldn't stop flirting with him and get out of the net :oD

I'm off to get Lauren ready for her first day of "big girl" gymnastics (aka: mommy doesn't have to run around the gym with her!) I'll try to get some pics and video of that too. Have a great day everyone!!!