Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Wednesday . . .

I got to sleep in a bit today!! The kids were so worn out from playing yesterday that they slept about a half hour later than usual. Lauren even took an almost-three hour nap from 9:30am-12:15!! She'll probably take a second nap today and that almost never happens! I'm just doing laundry and cleaning today, and I have a few errands to run. Tomorrow will be fun though, because Schel is coming!! We are all so excited to see Chris' mom!!! I'm sure we'll be up late tomorrow night playing cards and snacking, mmmmm. I've got to run, but I'll have pictures with the next post! Have a great day :oD

Megan, Chris, David & Lauren

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

A long, fun day!

We had such a fun day today!! David had a snow day today so after breakfast I bundled up the kids and we headed off to my friend Amy's house in Fremont. David was sooooo excited to play with Rachel, Amy's daughter who is about his age. They play so well together and they were out in the snow for hours! Lauren and Elliot (Amy's son who is just a bit older than Lauren) did not fare quite as well as David and Rachel. They are at the age where neither wants the other to play with any toys because they want all the toys for themselves! (We're working on the sharing!) I still think they got along pretty well, for their ages. We had some really yummy pizza for lunch and then the big kids went back out in the snow for some more cold fun. The time flew by so fast with the kids playing and Amy and me chatting that before I knew it, it was almost time for dinner!

Both kids were asleep right after we got out of Amy's driveway and slept all the way home (about 40 minutes)! Lauren didn't even make it through dinner once we got here. While Chris was grilling hot dogs to make chili dogs (Mmmmmm!) Lauren had a bit of cheese, 1/2 of a microwaved hot dog, and then started asking to get down and pointing at her bed! She went right to sleep. Even David didn't protest about bedtime as much as usual. I think I'll try to take them outside to run around tomorrow . . . :oD I'm going to watch a movie with Chris now and eat some brownie sundaes!!! We miss you all and hope you are all doing well!!

Chris, Megan, David & Lauren

Yay!!!! Snow!!!!

Good morning all :oD I just thought I'd show you what we woke up to this morning. So pretty!!!

We're off to a play date now, I'll write more later.


Sunday, February 24, 2008

Well, we had a busy day today. Chris had the day off so we had plenty of errands to run! We went to church this morning, then headed to get haircuts for the boys and Sam's Club (while mommy and Lauren napped in the van :oD) Then we stopped at Subway for lunch and on to the grocery store. By the time we got home we were all pretty tired. Chris grilled burgers on the cold porch, they were soooo good! I can't wait for warmer weather just so we can grill more!

After dinner it was play time with the kids for a bit. First they played "sit on daddy", Lauren really likes that game!

Next it was time for a little soccer practice, Lauren ran around tickling her belly button and laughing.

After soccer it was time for bed. Chris read David a story while I helped Lauren put her jammies on. I'm pretty tired, and we have a lot planned for tomorrow so I'm off to bed now. I hope you all had a great weekend!! Sweet Dreams!!

Megan, Chris, David & Lauren

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Last Week

Last Thursday evening David had karate after school. It was a review day as he will be testing for a tip for his orange belt this coming Thursday.

When the students get to class sensei Amanda checks to make sure their belts (obi) are tied correctly. Then they all "bow in". They also practiced bowing because some of the students (David) tend to get a little distracted and silly sometimes instead of bowing correctly.

Next they warmed up with some jumping jacks. It's always funny to watch little kids do jumping jacks, a few are coordinated enough to do them correctly, but not most (David :oD) they just jump up and down waving their arms. Then they worked on some agility drills.

After drills the kids practiced their "kata" for the test (one of their fighting forms) and at the end of class they all practiced reciting their student creed. David almost has the whole thing memorized. David really enjoys karate, but he is going to take a break during the spring because he wants to take soccer instead. I think it might be good for him to have a little break, he doesn't quite have the attention span yet to make it through a whole class without goofing off. Hopefully that will come with time!

After karate, the kids and I ran home really quickly, got David & Lauren into their jammies and headed to Marshall, MI to see my dad and Deb for a long weekend.

The kids always have fun at grandma and grandpa's house. David likes to play with his cars under the antique piano, and "the dogs' couch" is a favorite hangout too.

Lauren likes to help mommy and grandma cook. She also likes to carry things from one room to another, and go through whatever she can reach!

Grandpa made a friend for life when he gave Lauren her first Oreo!! David made sure he didn't miss out on any cookie eating either. Lauren also figured out that it's fun to feed Oliver (with a little help from brother.) I don't think Oliver minded at all!

Before bed every night Lauren wanted to say goodnight to everyone, including the dogs. She calls Oliver "Aahvaah" and Rambo "mama". At least they both have names now. When we were there a month ago they were both just "daaah" (dog). We're making progress!

We came home on Monday the 18th for David's swim lesson at 6:30 (which, of course, I forgot to take my camera in to.) Tuesday I had MOPS and it was our spa day!! For the third year in a row I missed out on the free massages!! I get too busy with breakfast and chatting and by the time I make it over to the massage room there is a really long line and only about 10 minutes until we have to pick up the kids. Oh well. There is always next year!

I went through David's closet Wednesday morning to see what summer clothes still fit him and I got the ones that were to small together to donate. While David was at school, Lauren and I went to a local consignment shop to see if they wanted any of David's better stuff and while we were waiting for the salesclerk Lauren spotted this tutu and got so excited!! She is such a girly girl :oD

Chris got home from his week in Virginia on Wednesday, a few hours later than he's planned on due to delay (broken plane). We had a nice family night with dinner at Carrabba's ~ mmmmmm!! The kids and I are all very happy to have him home!!

Thursday night we had our favorite, spaghetti!! Lauren had hers with tomato sauce for the first time, and she sure had a great (a.k.a. - MESSY!!) time!!

David loves his garlic bread!! If we'd let him, sometimes I think he would just skip the spaghetti altogether and only eat garlic bread for dinner. 'Little miss messyness' went straight from her highchair to the bathtub!!! I was very glad that I thought to have Chris put an old, stained shirt on her for dinner because I don't think those sauce stains are coming out.

David lost another tooth yesterday, his mouth is full of holes! When I picked him up from school, David wouldn't close his mouth because the tooth was so loose and he didn't want it to move. I took most of the day yesterday to overhaul David's room. I think he has more toys than FAO Schwartz!! I pretty much had to empty out all of his drawers and the entire closet and go through everything to get it organized. I found so many broken toys and toys with missing pieces, we got rid of quite a bit. (Don't worry, he could still probably open a toy store in his room.) At least now I can see his carpet :oD

Chris had this morning off so he got to sleep in a little bit, but not too much. I think the loud, screaming & laughing children had something to do with that! I signed up for the next session of classes at the YMCA. David is taking swimming there, and soccer with the city of Perrysburg. We decided to only sign David up for two things next session so we would have more family time in the evenings. Lauren will be starting toddler gymnastics on Thursday afternoons right after we pick David up from school, I think she'll really enjoy that. So will David, when he went to gymnastics he always complained that he never got to play in the toy room there after class. Now he can play during Lauren's class.

We are excited and getting ready for grandma Schel and Dave to come visit next week!! Hopefully we'll have some pretty snow for them, but not too much. They are used to Florida, after all :oD Lauren has been wearing her tutu everyday since we got it, I think it's her new favorite accessory. David has been "Bob the builder" for the past few days. He's been going around "fixing" everything and apparently a lot was broken because he's been very busy. At least he charges a fair rate!

I've got to run, Lauren is unfolding all of the clean laundry and making a nice pile of it on the floor that I haven't vacuumed yet today . . . I hope you all have a nice weekend!!

Chris, Megan, David & Lauren

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Almost an update!

Hello, hello. It has been a bit longer since I updated our page than I had planned, but I've had a busy week with many errands to run, lots of laundry to do, and other general "mommy stuff". Right now I am actually soooo tired that I'm headed off to bed, but I will post an update with plenty of pictures tomorrow. No, really. I promise!!


Monday, February 18, 2008

Well, we're back from Michigan. We had a great time visiting grandpa & grandma. The kids played hard, I'm sure they'll sleep-in in the morning (I hope!) I am off to bed, but I just had to post a couple of cute pictures first. I'll post more tomorrow!!
Goodnight :oD

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Snow Angels

This morning we woke up bright and early, had breakfast and then headed outside to play in the snow!!!

It took a while to get the kids all bundled up, and when we were done Lauren looked like that little kid from "A Christmas Story"!! David was sooooo excited!

It took Lauren a while to walk down the sidewalk, and she kept stopping to point at things and go "Ohhhhhhhhhh!!!" Once we coaxed her into the snow she seemed to be enjoying herself a bit, though not as much as David!

mommy angel, David angel, Lauren angel :oD

Then it was time to come inside for some hot chocolate!!
We're off to my dad's for the weekend, I'll post more next week.
Megan, Chris, David & Lauren

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Wednesday . . .

I took this picture from the sidewalk outside our front door yesterday morning, after we'd had some pretty nasty weather the night before. The pond looked pretty all frozen, today you can't even see it because we got a few inches of snow last night.

When I got back upstairs I thought it was funny to see the kids' different reactions to my being gone for a minute. Lauren seemed a bit concerned. David did too, can you tell?! I'm not sure he even noticed I was gone :oD

Well, today has been a pretty eventful day! This morning was all laundry and packing and last minute errands getting Chris ready to leave for Virginia for a week. After Chris headed out at 11:30 I got lunch for the kids and myself and then took David to school. Lauren and I decided to head to the grocery store while David was in school. As we were in the checkout line I realized that Lauren had turned into the "great exploding baby"!! We got through the line and headed to the bathrooms to try to salvage the clothes (and Lauren) and get a clean diaper. Because I like to be prepared I had, of course, brought a change of clothes. They just happened to be in the van! Poor Lauren had to go shirtless (with her coat on of course, it was really cold out) to the van to get some clean clothes. By the time we got done with our adventure in the bathroom it was time to pick David up from kindergarten so off we went. Poor David had been so excited about going outside to play with Lauren after school, but we had to postpone it until tomorrow because as soon as we got home Lauren's coat and everything else she was wearing went into the washer. Lauren went straight into the tub!! She now smells much better and both kids are sleeping peacefully :oD We'll head outside first thing in the morning!

David has karate after school tomorrow and then we are off to Marshall for the weekend, Deb says there is plenty of snow so I should have some good pictures of the kids to post when we get back! I hope you all have a great weekend too!!

Chris, Megan, David & Lauren

Monday, February 11, 2008

A typical day

We had quite a bit to do today (although some of it is going to have to wait for tomorrow, there just weren't enough hours today!) Lauren and I were sick the end of last week and over the weekend, luckily David seems to be feeling fine but poor Chris came home from work and went to bed at about 7pm. He took such good care of me and Lauren and apparently we repaid him by sharing our germs. This morning there was plenty of laundry and cleaning to do, then lunch and time for David to go to school.

After we dropped David off at school Lauren and I went to Once Upon a Child to look for a toybox (can you tell we need one? :oD). We didn't find a toybox, but Lauren did find this purse, she carried it all around the store and didn't even want to let the lady at the counter scan it. We also found her a cute pair of snowpants and these snowboots (which she wore for the rest of the day.) So far this year lauren hasn't seemed to want to play in the snow, but I figured maybe with her pretty purple and pink pants and boots we could coax her out for a while so David can have a bit of fun while daddy is at work during the day.

We also found a fun book for David while we were out. I used to love reading Beverly Cleary books when I was little and I thought it would be fun for David too. He is getting better every day with his reading, he loves to try to spell words too. Pretty soon he'll be reading bedtime stories to me :oD

David loves having his picture taken!!

Our kids are so silly!!

After dinner it was off to the YMCA so David could have his swimming lesson while Lauren played in the kidzone and mommy worked out for a bit. Then home for a snack, jammies and off to bed! I hope you all had a great day too!!

Megan, Chris, David and Lauren